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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Diet And Weight Loss Tips - Beware Of What You Hear!

Because we live in such a fast paced world, sometimes it's necessary for us to take what other people at face value since we don't have time to check into everything ourselves.

However, be careful :there are many diet and weight loss tips out there that actually aren't accurate at all.

Diet And Weight Loss Tip 1: Fats should be completely cut out is a myth.

This is not accurate. Actually, some fats will even help you lose weight. Surprising, huh?

Don't get it wrong - too much fat will absolutely lead to more disease, but a bit of fat in one's diet does keep them more healthy. Fats allow the body to take in vital nutrients and to feel fuller for longer periods of time, which allows you to end up eating less.

Some foods that are high in fat but are actually good for you (and can help with your diet and weight loss tips) are nuts, fish, and olive oil.

Diet And Weight Loss Tip 2: Cut out as many calories as you can! Skip meals to your heart's content. LIE.

Two words for you: Starvation mode.

When you eat low calorie all the time, your body can go into starvation mode. Before you skim this over, thinking it couldn't happen to you: the calorie level for starvation mode is much less than you would think.

And when your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism slows down. Once this happens, it's hard for you to lose any more weight. At best, your weight loss efforts will stagnate.

With this in mind, it's not shocking that meal skippers tend to weigh more than people who eat their meals on a frequent basis.

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