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Sunday, October 27, 2013

3 Hot Powerful Tips For Rapid Weight Loss - Starting Now

I used to be fat and lazy, but now I'm just plain lazy. I love to eat also. I thought I was severely addicted to food until I started following a tips for rapid weight loss.

When I started doing these 3 things, I first noticed that I wasn't as hungry as I used to be, and I stopped overeating everyday. Yes it was really everyday. What a shame huh? Here's the 3 tips:

1. Feel fuller and satisfied - Ever ate a snack that just didn't hit the spot for you or wasn't satisfying enough? Just drink 8-12 ounces of water right after the snack to feel fuller.

I know you're probably thinking, "but water makes me go to the toilet." That's okay, it does the same for me, but water is our friend, it helps us lose weight, and it can help us keep it off.

2. Eat a big healthy breakfast - Rule of thumb: Never skip breakfast. Many people make this mistake and end up paying for it later. Breakfast provides us the energy our body needs to get though the day smoothly.

It also keeps us from feeling like we're starving during the day, so it makes it easier to just stick with smaller meals the rest of the day, in return it increases our fat burning machine even more.

3. Don't starve yourself - Starving yourself is never the way to go for a healthy weight loss. Our body needs food to burn food. When our body is in starvation mode, it only makes us sick and weak from lack of nutrition. It only leads to misery, and we want to be happy.

These are just 3 tips for rapid weight loss. The best way to burn fat and get the lean and toned body we want is to build muscle mass all over our body by doing some type of cardiovascular workout or strength training mixed in with a good diet plan. Don't forget to find you a good diet plan that fit your needs.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Tracker

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